Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Storm Siren

I was definitely sucked into this Fantasy YA book from the very beginning. And even after I finished it, I couldn't stop thinking about it or the characters. I went to bed mad and sad, and I woke up thinking "nope, I couldn't have read what I just did". But, I did. 

I think that's the beauty in loosing yourself in a book. When it sticks to you no matter what. It's the fact that you can't stop thinking about it or what happened. 

I have to say that this is the first time that I've read any of her work. I was impressed with her writing style. She did a great job in creating this magical world where I could loose myself. 

I loved her characters. 

Nym was definitely a winner in my book. She's an Elemental, and she truly believes that she is cursed. She's also a slave who has been sold and bought fifteen times. She's also pretty smart and witty. She has sass and attitude. Her downfall is that she doesn't know how to control her powers, so she basically ends up killing anyone that's around her when she's pissed or looses control. 

Eogan. The mysterious and beautiful trainer. The only one who has been able to calm Nym when she is having one of her "tantrums". I loved his personality. The fact that he cared for her. We learn a lot about him in this book. 

There was definitely an attraction between Eogan and Nym that I absolutely craved. It's the reason why I couldn't put my book down. I kept hoping and wishing that I would get "just one more kissing scene" or "just the right physical contact" between those two. They were good for each other. 

The accompanying characters are great as well. Colin is awesome with his abilities. His twin sister Breck is interesting in her own way. 

I hated Adora with a livid passion. I detested her. With her odd and peculiar outfits and her threats. She drove me nuts. 

Eogan's secrets killed me. Destroyed me. I couldn't believe it. And that ending. I kept thinking after I finished reading the last words, "How could she do this to me?" "How am I going to recover from this?" "How can I move on knowing what I know?"

Yes. I was devastated. I still am. I can't wait for the second book to know what happens next. I don't know if I will be able to read it though. I'm hoping for some kind of miracle. Which lets not kid ourselves, this is a Fantasy book. Anything can happen!!!

Will I read this again? Maybe!
Will I be purchasing the Hard book? Absolutely!!! I need to add this to my collection!!!

I am definitely glad that I decided to read this and give the author an opportunity. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Wow... 5 months...

So it's been MONTHS since I last wrote a post... I've been reading like crazy but no time to write reviews... Or so I think... A lot has happened since my last post.
Cheryl, my sister in law took her life away and our lives haven't been the same... It has affected us greatly. We don't really get together much like we use to before. The girls (my other sister in laws) have been drastically affected. I can't even imagine what it would be like to lose my sister and best friend. All I know is what it feels like as an in law...
Chuck turned 1 (he's actually 17 months old)! His birthday was 4 days after Cheryl committed suicide. (I think this is what was hardest for me) we were able to get together, sucks but mother in law didn't think it was fair for him...And boy is he a monster... He is such a happy boy... (Notice I don't call him baby any more because he thinks he's a big boy)! He says a handful of words and ADORED his sissy... He is such a momma's boy...
Carmen actually turned 4 in May... She finished her first year of preschool and is such a bright girl. She can spell her name, several colors and is learning how to write her name... That girl is always singing a tune around the house, in the car or at the store. She makes us all happy!!!
Me, well, like I mentioned before. I've been reading a lot. I haven't been to church since Cheryl's death and it kind of sucks that none of the sisters in Relief Society have even bothered to call or ask if everything is ok... As far as work... Tired... Home, staying busy with the kids and Boo...
I've taken a couple of sewing projects. I have 2 baby showers in the next couple of weeks and I've decided to make them each a blanket and a seat cover... I'll come back here an post pictures!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Such sorrow...

Cheryl Cheryl... How much I'm going to miss you... There is so much pain that our family is going thru at the moment... I didn't realize what a broken heart felt like until now... My heart hurts every day knowing that my family, especially my husband is in pain...
I have a testimony of the gospel and of our savior! I know that families can be together forever if we do what is right! I love my family with all of my heart! I know that we will be able to get thru this, it'll be hard, but it'll get done! With Faith in the Lord!!!
Te quiero Cheryl y te extrano... I'm glad that you are no longer in pain, but am sad at how much pain and confusion you left behind...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Forever (Fateful, Book #3)Forever by Cheri Schmidt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay, here we go... I finally have a chance to read it. Eek, so excited to hear more from Ethan!!!

So, I did finish reading this book... And, I absolutely LOVED it... Ethan and Danielle still had their trials, but it was definitely worth it to get to their Forever. The ending was PERFECT!!! I don't think that it should have ended any other way...

I look forward to reading any other books that Cheri decides to write... I'm definitely a fan of her writing!!!

Would I recommend this book/series? YES!!!

I say, give it a try... It's definitely worth it...

View all my reviews

Fractured (Fateful, #2)Fractured by Cheri Schmidt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book picks up right where Fateful left off. Danielle found the cure to the Vampire Curse, and of course, it's Ethan who has been saved.

There is definitely a lot more action in this book given everything that Ethan and Danielle have to go thru... I think this is what I enjoy most about this series, is that in order for them to have their Happily Ever After, or for all of Eternity, she doesn't have to turn into a Vampire. It's the other way around!!!

I absolutely enjoyed it!

I was definitely looking forward to Forever, so excited that I bought it the day that it was released!!!

Thanks again Cheri for such a great book!

View all my reviews

Fateful (Fateful, #1)Fateful by Cheri Schmidt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


So sorry that it's taken me this long...

To say the least, I absolutely fell in LOVE with this book. It was very well written w/an amazing story line... I know, I know, it follows the whole vampire falls for the girl line... BUT, trust me, it's NOTHING like Twilight. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the Twilight Saga, but not every thing has to be like that...

Cheri definitely captivated me with this book... So much so, that after I read this book in ONE day, I turned around and bought the next book Fearful the VERY NEXT day...

Ethan is such a gentleman and absolutely adorable... And Danielle, I loved that she was such a girly girl that knew how to defend herself if needed to...

I enjoyed how Danielle see's Ethan as HER Mr. Darcy, given that she's such a Jane Austen fan... (Secretly, so am I!!!) I enjoyed mostly that it was such a clean read... It was a very good book and the romance in the book was very sweet!

Cheri definitely has a fan in me!!!


I loved this book soo much, that I actually let my nieces (who are about 16yrs) borrow it... (I know, I'm very picky when it comes to my books!)

View all my reviews

Ummm, WOW... Speachless!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am seriously addicted to this series!!! I absolutely LOVED this story line and the outcome!!! I cant wait for the release so that I can actually TALK about it with out giving anything away! Just know that if you liked Jen & Dec in Blood Rites, then you'll definitely LOVE them here! I love the passion that you experience. And of course, you still have Fane & Jacque... Decebel, Decebel, by far one of my favorite hunks!! Yes, I've become giddy over him!!
Again, Quinn,
you don't disappoint me!!! Like I mentioned to you, this book has become my favorite. Not one of my favorite, but "the" favorite book!!!

I really hope that you all enjoy it as much as I have!!!